Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Archie - Text suggestions

From e-mail:

...There's also a list of words I can play with that lend themselves to puns etc. like "CASINO" which means 'dogwood tree'.. so maybe you can have the dogwood trees growing where the current casino is, then land clearing.. years later and there's a casino. Could have some nice comments about profiteering, land leases, making money off stolen land etc.

Another word in "MANCARBINE" - a place where gum is found.. this word contains the word man and carbine (a type of gun). The word could hover above a gum tree then a settler could appear with a gun and fire it. WITHAMANGO (to laugh).. the word could into three by animating it to do so and you may have Aborigines eating the fruit and laughing..etc

This could work well in relation to SCRIPTA CONTINUA which I exhibited in SLQ.

There are other words to with natural signs like when the blue mountain lorikeets appeared it meant to the Aborigines that it was mullet season and Water chestnut blooms = turtles and phases of the moon to do with availability of turtles.

I think all this could be incorporated with your animated characters easily.

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